Cathedral of Saint Peter and Paul

This french gothic cathedral had it's ground breaking in 1434, being finished only in 1891. Situated in the Saint-Pierre square of Nantes (France), it is, nowadays, in a victorian era setting. The minecraft version, built by MisterJ, is included in a XVIIIth century representation of Nantes.


Starting in 2011, the 19centurycraft team has strived to produce representations of european cities during the golden days of the late XIXth century and early XXth century. Join us in a trip through time, in Minecraft!


  1. Hi, I really love what you are doing. I work for a company called kubity which let's you embed 3d models inside web pages. I love minecraft so I have being experimenting for ways to export Minecraftbuilds inside kubity. I could guide you a quick guide for doing it yourself if you are interested. Or you could send me your map on wetransfer and I can do it for you and then send you a link back. Just let me know ! I think it would be really nice to have a nice 3d experience next to the snapshots and renders.

    1. Hi, thanks for your interest toward our server !
      You can download our map from our forum, following this link

      it's regularly updated, so you can get a recent version.

  2. Hello! We are glad to know you liked our constructions! We weren't actually aware of the platform you mention but it might be really interesting thing to try and see the results. The full map is available on We would be definitely keen on seeing the result and we look forward to ear from you again!
    PS: the map is quite extensive but sadly we do not have any files containing singular buildings, we will be posting more of our builds as time goes by.
